Parent Quotes
We love the Nursery and believe it is the best start for our children. I couldn’t recommend the nursery enough, we think it must be the best in Milton Keynes. Our children love it there, and knowing they are going to a place where they are safe, cared for and receiving the best in terms of play and also education is a weight off our minds.
My child loves coming to nursery and that is down to the staff so thank you so much!
Walton is the best nursery, so happy my child attends!
The Walton team really do provide the kind of extended family environment that is so essential to the giving children the best start in life.
The atmosphere at the school is something exceptional… it is so clean and tidy, and cosy and has this welcoming and warm feeling! Thank you so much for an incredible service!
We are delighted with the nursery and the service provided. We trust the staff 100% and we’re confident our child is in good hands. We highly recommend Walton to our friends.
Our experience has been nothing short of perfect! All the staff are extremely caring and attentive knowing our child to the finest of details. The facilities are superb as there is clearly lots to do for the children.
I had a great perception of your nursery as I felt it is a safe and nurturing environment with loving and caring staff.
Great nursery – we feel very lucky that our child is in such a wonderful environment with staff who really care about our baby. He seems to really enjoy his days there and we love seeing his artworks and photos. Thank you!
I think Walton Pre-Prep is fantastic and have recommended it to several of my friends who now have kids with you.
Inspection Quotes
Very well-established systems are in place to enable parents to be fully involved in their child's learning.
Children are exceptionally confident and happy, indicating they feel safe and secure.
The setting provides excellent opportunities for children to make choices in their activities and also provides a familiar routine.
Parents speak exceptionally highly of the provision, commenting on the warm and friendly staff, the wonderful environment and the fun learning experiences
Inclusive practice is fully evident throughout the nursery and children's needs are met exceptionally well.
Children learn about different cultural events and parents support them by sharing their own knowledge. This has included an international day and a grandparents day, in addition to a mums and dads day.
Children make excellent progress in this exciting setting where excellent care is taken to meet their individual learning and development-needs. Adults plan highly effectively to encourage the next steps in each child's learning in partnership with parents.
The safe baby nursery garden provides an exciting environment where young children can develop their senses and skills. This demonstrates their very good abilities to cooperate with each other. In the nature trail children independently use child-sized rakes and wheelbarrows to move soil and bark.
The nature trail is an exciting environment with tepees made from branches, digging areas, pathways, huge trees and wooden dens and walkways. Children busy themselves in this area undertaking an exciting variety of activities
Counting is encouraged throughout the day and children show awareness of size and position
Communication and language is encouraged exceptionally well throughout the nursery as staff model language, ask questions and listen attentively
Singing helps the young children develop their language skills and develop their memory as they recall the actions and words.